by William Bronchick, J.D. | Sep 9, 2014 | Creative Real Estate Investing, Real Estate Investing Strategies
Stock market investors often brag about 15% or 20% returns. They hope to turn a $5,000 investment into $5,750 or maybe $6,000. By contrast, a good real estate investor can turn $5,000 into $20,000 – a 400% return! That’s a lot better, but a great real estate investor...
by William Bronchick, J.D. | Jun 25, 2014 | House Flipping/Wholesaling
Wholesaling houses is fairly simple: 1. You tie up a house with a contract 2. You sell it to another investor at a wholesale price Attorney and real estate investor, Bill Bronchick discusses the 3 biggest mistakes that wholesalers make when trying to wholesale a...
by William Bronchick, J.D. | May 28, 2014 | IRA, 401K, Retirement Funds
My office gets several inquiries each day about setting up a self-directed IRA for real estate investing. This article discusses what a self-directed IRA is and how it’s different from a regular IRA. An IRA Is an Individual Retirement Account Each individual can...
by William Bronchick, J.D. | Feb 11, 2014 | Real Estate Investing Strategies
Do you think real estate investing is risky? The truth: It can be. But it can also be one of the safest investments you make. The key is to know how to remove the risk from your real estate investments. Follow these five rules to help remove the risk from real estate...
by William Bronchick, J.D. | Jan 28, 2014 | Asset Protection
In this short video, attorney and real estate investor, William Bronchick, explains the benefits of using a land trust for your real estate investments. A land trust gives you anonymity, privacy, and protection from: Lawyers Tenants IRS agents Creditors Reporters...