Real Estate Tools


How Water Attracts Real Estate…

How Water Attracts Real Estate…

The #1 location that supports the highest property values is adjacent to a large body of water, such as an ocean, lake, river, stream, or wetlands region.
Ironically, water can also cause the most damage to real estate due to flooding, mold, and storms. As such, water can be a property’s best ally or worst foe…

3 Reasons You Need a Verbal Agreement Before You Write an Offer

3 Reasons You Need a Verbal Agreement Before You Write an Offer

One thing I’ve learned over the years and after closing hundreds of deals is that there are ways to cut down the amount of offers you write and save yourself a lot of time.
But there’s much more to this strategy than saving time. You’re building trust and rapport with the sellers, which will increase the likelihood of them signing your offer!


How Water Attracts Real Estate…

How Water Attracts Real Estate…

The #1 location that supports the highest property values is adjacent to a large body of water, such as an ocean, lake, river, stream, or wetlands region.
Ironically, water can also cause the most damage to real estate due to flooding, mold, and storms. As such, water can be a property’s best ally or worst foe…

3 Reasons You Need a Verbal Agreement Before You Write an Offer

3 Reasons You Need a Verbal Agreement Before You Write an Offer

One thing I’ve learned over the years and after closing hundreds of deals is that there are ways to cut down the amount of offers you write and save yourself a lot of time.
But there’s much more to this strategy than saving time. You’re building trust and rapport with the sellers, which will increase the likelihood of them signing your offer!

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